
BlindBeard t1_j9fdz8x wrote

No you have to go into a decade's worth of debt for third party training first.

Alright guys I just thought I'd throw a joke in, albeit probably an overly cynical one. I have no idea what it takes to do HVAC at a level that guy is proposing. I just pull fiber optic cable for a living, if I could learn HVAC and double my pay with that guy's company I'd do it in a heartbeat


BlindBeard t1_j9d7yoo wrote

I've read some (what I assume are watered down accounts of something else) things saying that climate change is weakening the gulf stream. Where it would normally go all the way across the Atlantic and make the weather in the UK area wet and mild with warm water from the Gulf of Mexico, it's ending around New England leaving that warm water off the coast here to a similar effect. Also would account for that same part of Europe to be experiencing the unprecedented cold winters they're experiencing. For example it historically doesn't get that cold in Ireland so it's easy to forget its at the same latitude as Newfoundland. If it's a trend that continues (and what I skimmed turns out to even be true) we're in for even worse summers here and winter's gonna get real fucking cold in the UK and Ireland.


BlindBeard t1_izux94o wrote

Just got home. The Pike and 495 were pretty bad except near 95 (there's always this weird warm air current coming up 95 where it meets 495). I think it's because it's so cold. There was some piling up between the first and second lanes on 495 near the pike and it was rough.

I'd much rather drive on a road with 2" of snow on it on a nice 35 degree day than a "flurry" at night time and ~23 degrees.