
BloodyRightNostril t1_j3w67aq wrote

Reply to Wednesdaily by stickynohte

My blood pressure is back on the rise so I think i'm going to switch back to OMAD (one meal a day) intermittent fasting. I did it last spring/summer and lost 30 pounds in three months. But more importantly, my blood pressure dropped from almost 190/95 to 120/75 in that time. I'm in my early 40's and in decent shape, but I can't keep going on like this.

That being said, I think my one meal today will be a chicken breast, salmon filet, big side of spinach, a fried egg or two, and a hefty protein shake. That oughta carry me for a good 23 hours.


BloodyRightNostril t1_j3w5fps wrote

Reply to comment by McFlare92 in Wednesdaily by stickynohte

What a relief this is. The Senate firewall was looking mighty thin going into the next general election, esp with all the spending that will be done by the GOP to flip vulnerable seats like Hashmi in SD-10. This makes me feel a little better for a little while.