
Blu3Jae t1_j6bnmiu wrote

This makes me think of a Star Trek Original Series episode- there was a mining operation and workers kept dying mysteriously, and stuff would be sabotaged. Enterprise crew comes and finds a creature clearly causing the issues and it communicates “no kill I”. (Meaning don’t kill me) Despite looking like nothing we knew, it was incredibly intelligent and had picked up some language. The reason it had been attacking? The miners were getting too close to the egg nursery of this endangered species.


Blu3Jae t1_ite5e2q wrote

  1. Clair is ridiculous and amazing. Did Eric manage to cover his arm or did she just somehow miss it??
  2. Don’t worry, the statute for stealing a car from a demon doctor probably has ended by now, Charles.
  3. Multiple times I thought “oh you sweet himbo” while reading this update. Have you never heard of a vegetarian?
  4. Don’t do anything stupid while on leave and maybe ask if Eric has a supernaturally aware lawyer!!