
BlueJinjo t1_j9jo6xm wrote

Invading a country is significantly harder than defending a country.. If Russia was invaded they'd also use nukes.

If the loss of life would definitely be NONCATACLYSMIC, NATO forces would already be at Moscow's doorsteps..

I don't think you've ever opened a history book. Finish high school and college and then maybe we can have a discussion


BlueJinjo t1_j9jjw21 wrote

You think NATO wouldn't suffer losses as well when supply chains are interrupted due to the harsh winters + when a unified Russian front defends itself?

NATO would win but it would burn so much money and most importantly lives on both sides.

There's essentially 0% chance this happens. For whatever reason, this sensationalist sub is rooting for it.. it's similar to the propensity of this sub to expect a full on militaristic invasion between India and china every time there's a border dispute which will continue to happen for the next 10+ years. Stop snorting crack


BlueJinjo t1_j9idf6s wrote

Why is this sub so obsessed with the most sensationalist rage induced type of comments such as this?

Russia won't risk a true escalation into article 5. They will likely do a very minor attack which would yield minimum disruptions leading to future admonishments /sanctions by NATO members without any real major change to the current state of affairs.

The reality is that no western country would ever risk a direct military conflict against a country with nuclear weapons capabilities. Furthermore , historically , there is a repeated underestimation of the effects /challenges of an invasion into Russia . The loss of life on natos end would be catastrophic. Redditors have to stop masturbating to the notion that Russia has to be taken down by a unified western presence... It would be utterly catastrophic

Despite Russia's recent failures, they still have nukes which means no country can effectively drive them into a corner.

This isn't a game of civ... You can't just start a war against one of the largest countries in the world with enough nukes to blow half the world to hell on the idea that they haven't maintained their nuclear capabilities...

If reddit is looking for Russia to collapse due to either Ukraine fighting back and advancing into Russia, or due to a unified NATO response, then you guys are dumber than civ ai ( which is 100% true. I reckon 90% of you haven't even read a Wikipedia page about Russia's history in the Soviet era)

..IF the Putin regime will fall, it will be due to an internal collapse due to deteriorating economic conditions afflicting their population. The NATO countries know this. In the meantime, expect more of these headlines about devastation coming out of Ukraine. Additionally, expect Russia to escalate matters in the winter with a strengthened Chinese supplied backing. NATO has to slowly bleed Russia out and the nukes they have become effectively useless.. Putin can't just nuke his own country .. they have over 140 million people to feed. Once Putin can't do that... He will fall.

This is precisely why bidens speech mentions Ukraine never surrendering and saying nato support won't wane. He doesn't expect an end to the war. Just an elongation.