
Bo_Jim t1_jdb0f8p wrote

At many companies you find out when your badge doesn't open the door, and someone from security walks up behind you to escort you to your cubicle so you can clear out your personal stuff, then to HR for the exit interview and final pay, and then out the door.

There really is no nice way to tell people they've been laid off. The best you can hope for is a severance package that will tide you over until you can find another job. If you're in your 50's then you'd better get a lot less picky about what you'll do to survive because the odds are good you'll never do the same kind of professional work again.


Bo_Jim t1_j2austy wrote

Expect cars to very soon implement bio-security measures so that the car can identify the driver using more than just which key they are using. If a teenager sneaks out and takes the car then it may be the car that snitches on them. They will probably also implement parental controls so that junior can't turn the car on after 10pm unless mom or dad is with him.

Also, make sure you get it back in time to fully charge it before your parents need to drive it to work. It's not as easy as topping off the tank in an ICE engine car.


Bo_Jim t1_j1ssayd wrote

In other words, people are less likely to get riled up if you show them stuff that's less likely to get them riled up. Ignore the lunatics on the fringe of both extremes, and just focus on the people who are close enough that they can reach across the divide and shake hands.

Rose colored glasses by any other name...