
Boatster_McBoat t1_jd3ojzw wrote

I didn't know, so I did a quick google. This link looked like it was on point:,inequality%20also%20drive%20up%20poverty.&text=Africa's%20high%20fertility%20rates%20mean,Africa's%20high%20population%20growth%20rate.

>Africa’s inability to reduce its high extreme poverty rate has been attributed to numerous factors. One is the over-reliance on natural resources for growth instead of agricultural and rural development, which characterises 85% of Africans’ livelihoods. The higher initial poverty levels coupled with low asset ownership and restricted access to public services also make it difficult for households to take advantage of growth. Bad governance, corruption and high-income inequality also drive up poverty. >Africa’s high fertility rates mean that economic growth rates translate into smaller per capita income increases. While the extreme poverty rate will likely fall, the number of poor people will rise due to Africa’s high population growth rate


Boatster_McBoat t1_j8tv0j8 wrote

We have more minor party representation, particularly in the senate where each state appoints 12 senators (6 every three years). Occasionally it requires one of the major parties to do a deal to form government - this often tempers the more extreme elements of the relevant major party. Overall I think our parliament is more diverse and representative of our population than it would be otherwise.