
Bobby_Marks2 t1_ja23qkn wrote

It's all but guaranteed at this point. Tesla should have taken their head start and used it to learn how to make vehicles with all the same capacity for quality that established manufacturers do. Instead, they wasted time disrupting industry for disruption's sake.

Teslas aren't really price-competitive, not when the whole picture is measured. Shoddy manufacturing practices means lots of parts that need to be replaced inside warranty windows. For example, we had a Tesla come in for window tinting at work, and one of the door panels wasn't properly installed - no big deal, we pop those out and in all the time so we can do the customer a favor. Except we couldn't do this one, because when the door panel was installed properly the door wouldn't close.

We work on lots of new and luxury vehicles. Teslas are built shoddy. The Chevy Bolt starts at like $27k if you want an economy EV, the Hyundai Ioniq at $41k if you want middle-of-the-road quality, and the Cadillac Lyriq starts at $58k if you want luxury from a brand that actually understands luxury. Their truck appears like it will be beaten to market by most of the competition, and there's just so many options out there or in the pipe.

What is Tesla's niche? They remind me of where Netflix was a year ago: the first-mover of a guaranteed-to-be-standardized-in-the-future technology, riding high on nothing but the fact that their revenues are high. No forward strategy but to assume everything will continue to be awesome.


Bobby_Marks2 t1_ix2tipu wrote

The broadcast era was quite different for this stuff. Networks were looking for shows that would maximize profit for highly unpopular time slots. If it wasn't primetime, it needed a gimmick, or else it needed to be the cheapest thing to produce that television had ever seen, or else it needed to capture a small market very intensely. That's how daytime TV gave us talk shows, Judge Judy, soaps, and kids shows that sold merchandise.


Bobby_Marks2 t1_ix2t0gg wrote

That's the point. Disney Channel is just a place for Disney to capture the audience into the ecosystem. You watch Disney Channel, and you're likely to go see Disney movies in theater. You watch Disney Channel, then you go to Disneyland which in turn drives you to go buy Disney merch and see Disney movies. You see Disney movies, then you go to Disney Channel to watch bonus content and spin-offs and sequels. Disney+ is doing all of this now.

Granted, they do produce merch for their successful content. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Hanna Montana, etc. all got plenty of merch out there - we just don't see it because it doesn't have broad enough appeal to sit on Walmart shelves next to Marvel and Star Wars and Pokemon.


Bobby_Marks2 t1_iugpasw wrote

Disney doesn't cast adults in shows to target an adult audience. They cast kids, and recast constantly because their target market isn't old enough to love an IP for the casting history. It's the same reason they crank out massively successful Disney Channel shows like Wizards of Waverly Place or Hanna Montana, and yet they still end shows after 3-4 seasons instead of running them 10-12 seasons like general audience sitcoms.


Bobby_Marks2 t1_ittbp54 wrote

They did one way back called Cricket on the Hearth, which is both not a great film but also the greatest messed up kids movie ever. I love it for two reasons:

  • The cricket is kidnapped by a bunch of animal thugs, who crate him up and put him on a boat to China. They ask the boat captain for payment, and he blows them all away. In a kids' movie.
  • It presents toys as living creatures, which hide and stay still when humans are around and then go on adventures otherwise. Roughly 20-25 years before Toy Story.

Bobby_Marks2 t1_ita530e wrote

I for one loved that first bullet point of yours. An actor needs to be written out of a show, and instead of killing him off or having him retire they do something interesting with him. They left the door open to him coming back (in case Eric's mental health ever allowed for it), but it was out of their hands.

It's fun going back to the show, because it's so god awful compared to the kinds of content we get today. Today, a new Bones show would be six $40m/each episodes that glorified serial killers rather than forensic minds.