
Bobtom42 t1_j1holmp wrote

Keep DO in mind as well as heat. You can take some water out in a glass and pour it back in from a good height. Do that a few times every few hours.


Bobtom42 t1_izwab2w wrote

Within the first week of moving in, go knock on your neighbors door and introduce yourself.

Join a club or group. I just took a quick look and the Library has some like book clubs, cookbook club (this actually sounds fun, cookie swap this week!), genealogy group and others. There are also adult league sports. Basketball, volleyball, curling, soccer and others I'm sure.

Finally you have the old go to a coffee shop and hang out regularly, but you have to actually talk to people.

Some cultural points to is slower here. People drive slower, the check out lines move slower, and people are generally just not in a hurry. It takes some getting use to but it's nice...I find myself driving under the speed limit now too.

People are not flashy and no one gives a shit about designer clothes, watches etc. The wealthiest guy I know drives an F-250 and wears flannel shirts in business meetings.


Bobtom42 t1_iykjg4b wrote

Just be aware that towns in New Hampshire have much of the power that counties do in the rest of the country. Everywhere is part of a town. So you might have vastly different zoning, taxes, and as others have mentioned, schools than folks in the next town over. And I do mean vastly different. The town next to us doesn't allow cable or fiber internet because it would "change the character of the town" .


Bobtom42 t1_ivd3am7 wrote

No. But it's a fun exercise. I'm taking the 930MM payout and after taxes your looking at pocketing 530MM. I'm skipping the annuity because I don't trust the government told hold nearly a Billion dollars of my money for 30 years. I'm taking 15MM and setting up a 30 year annuity for my parents and another 15MM in a 50 year annuity for the rest of my family to be administered by a arbitrator. I'd probably do 25MM in a 50 year for myself. So that leaves 475MM to try and convince the Blue Mountain Forest Association to sell me Corbins Park.


Bobtom42 t1_ir00hwd wrote

Find your congressional representative's office and write them an email explaining the situation. Their job is to help people in situations like this.

One email might not work, call and write until you get someone's attention. Be respectful but very clear about the situation and what you are asking for. You explained it pretty well here, but start with you need help obtaining a SS card.

You'd be amazed how much red tape can disappear with a call from a congressional office.