
Bogmat t1_j4hsawp wrote

I'll give you a returning gamer perspective. I havnt owned a console since the 360 as I just fell in love with PC Building/gaming. I now have a 6yo and was looking at the latest console. I went with the X. Sure double the price however, it will last a bit longer with the extra performance. I will be using it mostly for digital download so the storage is going to be a big advantage. (One of the reasons of turning down the PS5 was the just lower storage capacity) I have a 4k tv and looking forward to the latest and the best graphics this gen console has to offer. While saying that I need the console to keep up with all the performance requirements. I considered getting the S just cause and dealing with..lower storage and not having the specs or performance while matched with a 4k tv. Plus there was stock. (Had to pre-order the x as non available here till Feb 21st) As everyone else is saying.. if you want the lastest in performance which will last longer than the S. If you have a 4k or are looking at upgrading to a 4k capable tv and could do with that extra storage... Then the X is the way to go. As you have the external storage and want to save money.. again not worried about what tv your running it on and just want the lastest console then the S will work just fine. All goes down to what you have now, plan for the future and if you can afford.