
Bolmac t1_jd2kpky wrote

The city claims it found it was losing money with the old fee schedule. Inflation is causing prices of everything to go up, and it sounds like they just needed to adjust their fee to account for this, otherwise taxpayers are subsidizing the reviews. This isn't about putting up roadblocks or sending messages, it's just the rising cost of doing business for developers. This article just happened to totally frame it from the whiny developer's perspective.


Bolmac t1_jbrnyx0 wrote

Pennsylvania law is very clear:

"any person may kill any dog which he sees in the act of pursuing or wounding or killing any domestic animal, including household pets, or pursuing, wounding or attacking human beings, whether or not such a dog bears a required license tag. There is no liability on such persons in damages or otherwise for such killing."


Bolmac t1_jadbqwa wrote

Reply to comment by PeanutHakeem in Viewing homes in the area by Ar30la

What I see is that there is enough water to cover much of the floor, and as such the picture does not tell us where it is coming from. For example, the raised part of the floor next to the wall on the left is dry. It is still quite possible that all the water we see on the floor flowed in from one place.


Bolmac t1_jad4go2 wrote

Reply to comment by Ar30la in Viewing homes in the area by Ar30la

In that case you really don’t know if there is a significant problem or not until the downspout is fixed. This might be simple and cheap to resolve.


Bolmac t1_jaa6mho wrote

Well, three people were in operating suites at the same time, technically all under his care. To what degree he provided appropriate oversight for each of their procedures was one of the main points of contention that UPMC would rather pay millions of dollars than discuss in detail….


Bolmac t1_j5twnz5 wrote

Insulation and sealing of drafts make a huge difference. As a renter, unfortunately, there's usually nothing you can do about the former, and little you can do about the latter. As such, this becomes a potential major hidden cost for renters. Some people request to see historical utility bills before signing rental agreements for this reason, it can be a major factor in deciding where to live.


Bolmac t1_iujq30q wrote

Reply to Traffic by C0reSh0t

Stop and go traffic is the most dangerous for people on their devices - just speculating.