
BooksAndQueen t1_j64y99g wrote

I actually enjoy District Trivia’s Triviamatic app! Vast majority of the time my team doesn’t have tech issues, the wait between rounds is a bit shorter, I like that it’s easier for the whole team to know what the question is and see the answers after the round, and I think they’ve done a good job w the bonus rounds on it (plus they’ve finally brought back the bonus music round, ending one of my two biggest quibbles).

But I get it isn’t for everyone and given OP wants it to be tech-free, I want to give them an easy way of eliminating some places without having to go and check in person


BooksAndQueen t1_j64eshj wrote

Not near Columbia Heights but Union Pub every Tuesday has trivia and I’ve heard Calico does every other Tuesday as well (but haven’t tried it). If you don’t like Triviamatic, I’d recommend avoiding any trivia place listed on District Trivia’s site.