
BoomChaka67 t1_j051lz5 wrote

Honestly, he really did the hard work. He realized his addiction while still young and sought help. But detox was still necessary.

I was never much of a drinker but became a (so gross to say this) “wine mom” in my 30’s. One glass while making dinner, one glass with dinner, one glass once my chores were done and I could “relax”. Much easier (but still no cake walk) to quit.


BoomChaka67 t1_j04u4eb wrote

It’s hard even when one isn’t a “blackout drunk”. I had trouble sleeping for months after quitting my nightly 3 glasses of wine.

Sometimes I felt like I was coming out of my skin. (Melatonin helped)

That said, my husband is a recovering alcoholic (25 years sober) and had he gone to rehab without detoxing in a clinic first, he very well may have died. It’s not just a “willpower” thing.