
Boredandsleeps t1_jdf7j1u wrote

You don't need to stress about this from the sounds of if it sounds like an honest mistake and no one got hurt, your dad however needs to cool his jets though.

I'm more appalled by his reaction to the car then he is worried about you.

As for your driving I get where your coming from I got my license a few months ago as well so get being nervous driving on your own but you can't stay that kind of driver forever, it makes you dangerous being a nervous driver.

It will get easier with time but try to remember to calm yourself before driving and you'll be just fine.


Boredandsleeps t1_jadukvc wrote

You guys moved too quickly, 4 months is not enough time to really get to know eachother, you both could go to couples therapy but that can only get you so far. Does your partner know about the medication you take and the side effects it has on you?

You also mentioned that she's on the spectrum but hasn't been diagnosed by a professional? Does she have any plans to see one to get a proper diagnosis?


Boredandsleeps t1_j6mnabi wrote

Then do as your therapist suggested and take a break but don't go back to him if he starts to make pretty promises. Let him know that he has to put the work into the marriage and himself if he wants to even have the chance of getting you back. If he doesn't then your marriage is effectively over.