
Bornchillbrah t1_is0yfdb wrote

So the cows are consenting to being treated this way? Are they asking for it? Are they thrilled to see their offspring stolen from them and forced into the same treatment? Is it natural for their bodies to be repeatedly impregnated and milked until they're no longer physically able to? Are dairy products the only easy method to get vital nutrients such as calcium?

I'm not trying to disrespect people's choices, I'm trying to educate and open their eyes about the horrors of the meat and dairy industries. There's tons of vegan alternatives that are widely available and provide just as much nutrition and taste very similar. Why then would someone continue to support animal abuse after being exposed to these truths? Not to mention the environmental impacts as well. Hell, I could even go as far as exposing the dairy industry propaganda, but that's another argument altogether..


Bornchillbrah t1_irxhue9 wrote

There's still a lot of mental gymnastics at play here. Sure, some of the "my uncle's ethical farm" treat the animals with respect and give them plenty of free roam. However, a majority of them still ship the animals to the same slaughter houses that factory farms do, where they suffer the same painful, inefficient deaths. The living conditions there are horrid, the workers use cattle prods or bolt guns which don't work 100% of the time. Gas is often used causing them to writhe in agony for minutes before finally dying. Cows often have their throats slit to bleed out while still alive. I could go on, but feel free to do a quick search of how slaughter houses operate, or simply watch the documentary: Dominion.

Even if you can 100% guarantee the food you get has been painlessly slaughtered, do you think that animal wanted to be killed? Can you think of any actual reason to consume animal products besides personal taste preference?
