
BrdigeTrlol t1_jdqdix4 wrote

How far into the future are we talking? I think the most likely scenario is that eventually phones will be connected to our brains via implants, but before that people will be wearing contacts with heads up displays and/or earpieces.

You'll be able to control your phone via voice or via gestures (the contacts will come equipped with a built in camera or we'll see something like soli in the pixel phones where the gestures are read via something similar to radar), but eventually they'll be telepathically controlled (this will either require an implant or the user to wear a headband [possibly a smaller circular monitor that afixes to the head with adhesive] of some sorts, so it probably won't catch on for a lot of people until implants are more common).

Consumer phones won't need hardware features like thermal imaging or night vision, so they'll just gradually shrink until the main computing device fits on your wrist like a pip boy. They may or may not have an actual display (I'm sure the earlier models will look a lot like smart watches).

Then there's the Black Mirror corneal transplant. Those might make more sense than a brain transplant for a lot of people (do we want to open our brains directly to the internet?).


BrdigeTrlol t1_jdqb127 wrote

Honestly if your last sentence is true then the human race is doomed to be disconnected from itself (and possibly doomed period when considering the inevitable result would be plummeting birth rates, but I'm sure we'll be using artificial wombs by this point). I could see a lot of people viewing AI interaction as being more rewarding than human interaction. That's honestly just sad because until AI can physically imitate the intimacy of physical human interaction (which I'm sure they will eventually be able to, but probably not by this point) these people will be missing out on things that are probably crucial for mental health without realizing it (touch of all kinds of incredibly powerful and there is no current or forseeable substitute for it [outside of possibly future pharmaceuticals or similar, but maybe that's where we're inevitably headed]).
