
Brent_Fox t1_j07ig64 wrote


Brent_Fox t1_j04n8uq wrote

Like how idiots, bigots, and fascist posts on Twitter, get reposted and amplified so you're seeing those posts more than the more logical ones. This is why content moderation is such an important check to these major social media platforms.


Brent_Fox t1_j04mndb wrote

What if AI is just a black mirror of humanity? Our darker reflection. Chatbots for example use our input conversations to fuel their own via mimicry. Whatever people are chatting to them about reflects in their dialog patterns.


Brent_Fox t1_j04kwd6 wrote

We're already seeing destructive algorithm downward spirals appearing on social media. This was a major concern on Instagram as some young girls were looking at exercise content and were recommended anorexia positivity content and even suicidal content which damaged their mental health. There's currently a lawsuit against meta for not doing enough to restrict these recommendations. They might add a way to verify if the user is old enough and can double check if the user still wants to see this content but it's still dangerous. Idk if this is due to a malevolent AI but it did happen through inept security instillations and destructive algorithms.