
BringItBoy t1_iuiieyd wrote

If inflation is your worry than buy Series I bonds as they are inflation protected. Stocks are not hedges against inflation. Inflation is also slowing down and interest rates are going up which means rates on the bonds are going up which will likely hurt stock yields for the future. People tend to realize from 2012-2020 was the biggest bull run in history and one of the drivers was 0% interest rates. The new target for interest rates is going to 5% which is the highest its been in 20 years.


BringItBoy t1_iuig6ld wrote

You can choose to put into broad index funds but no guarantee that it moves up. While the SP500 has averaged over 10% for the last decade does not mean it will do it again for this coming decade. If you want to be safe with your house fund then choose a more conservative option.


BringItBoy t1_iuiff4i wrote

5 years for stocks is risky in my opinion. You have no idea what could happen in that time. Bond rates have gone up on the other hand so maybe instead of an HYSA for those by short term bonds.