
BroccoliPrince t1_jaeor3r wrote

So, most restaurants are not gonna be impressed if you decide to start grilling your own food on their premises. They're a place of business. Dietary ethics aside, what you did was fucking rude. Not a prank, literally just rude. Most restaurants have signage saying not to eat or drink food from outside, because they're not free seating; they're a place people go to buy food.

Secondly, if this is your idea of a prank, you are simply just not very funny. Most "prank" YouTubers are like this; it's not funny, at best it's just mindless disruption and at worst it's actively cruel. There was one guy who "pranked" his girlfriend by making her think that her beloved cat had fallen from their high-rise apartment's window and died. She was inconsolable. Is that the sort of genre, of community, you want to be a part of? I get that you're young, and seventeen year olds are not exactly known for their critical thought or reasoning ability, but come on now. Maybe don't start a hobby that requires you to make other peoples' days worse by it's very nature. It's not a joke unless everyone's laughing.


BroccoliPrince t1_ja94ird wrote

Yeah, I've heard about that. Apparently Japan itself has been looking into removing it from signage and the like too. Iirc the decision to start phasing it out was driven primarily by optics and concern over how tourists would view it, which does seem a bit of a shame to me, feels a bit like just letting the Nazis keep it or something.


BroccoliPrince t1_ja8hba4 wrote

That's not a swastika, it's a manji. The swastika's "arms" point the other way.

Originally this symbol, the manji, was (and remains) a positive symbol in many eastern cultures. There are similar symbols of luck and prosperity found worldwide, even in Europe. The Nazis wanted a symbol that was recognisable and beloved, they wanted something that people already had something of a stake in, so they took the manji and flipped it. Even their word for it - "swastika" - was taken from Sanskrit words. The whole thing was stolen from the top down.

(Edit: lord preserve me from the people who reply and then immediately block me - way to show faith in your argument, lads 👍)


BroccoliPrince t1_j9ixe8k wrote

I'm not a lawyer but considering there was no actual agreement between you that you'd be paid at the time you did the work... I don't know if you have a leg to stand on? As another commenter said, you could cease and desist them to stop them using your work, but as far as being paid for a job you verbally agreed to do for free? I can't see that flying.

Consult a lawyer for a definitive answer, but I think you may be shit outta luck. These things, if you don't have a contract you don't have a hope.


BroccoliPrince t1_j985cgg wrote

Wow if this is how you talk to people you know offline too, I'd hate to be your friend, because this is like textbook manipulation tactics. My narc mother could've written this. Initially the "you" was genuine, and not directed at you specifically, but in light of this - yeah, you may in fact be an asshole.


BroccoliPrince t1_j95c3di wrote

Sir, I did not make snapchat, I did not create this function - nor have I used snapchat in well over five years. Moreover, my nudes are free to view on reddit, if you know where to look, if I did use snapchat to send someone an image they screenshotted and posted, it's nothing the world can't already find.

The point you seem to have missed is that there is a big difference between private communication and a public post. If you share private communication publicly without the knowledge or consent of the other party, particularly if it contains sensitive information, you're what's colloquially known as an asshole. (By the way, leaking someone's nudes without consent is considered a sexual offense in many places, and is punishable by law.)


BroccoliPrince t1_j8ywv8o wrote

Honestly mate, if your gf says it's fine, odds are she and her friend had a little giggle about the whole thing and have moved on. An apology to the friend if you feel it's warranted might be nice, but this isn't something you need to be mortified about forever. I doubt her friend will be weird about it if you're not weird about it.


BroccoliPrince t1_j8ywb5b wrote

Shit happens. There's dozens of photos online of people who took MySpace selfies in the bathroom with a giant shit still in the toilet, or uploaded Facebook selfies with dildos in the background. Doing embarrassing shit that haunts you for decades is part of the human experience, think yourself lucky it was a snap and you didn't put it on the internet to be immortalised for the world.


BroccoliPrince t1_j7bi1cy wrote

Yeah calling the "sister"/cousin wasn't the fuck-up, the fuck-up was talking to him again in the first place. You broke up with him.and he threatened suicide if you didn't take him back; regardless of the reasons for the breakup and whether it was "justified" (hate the word in this context, nobody has to be with someone who's not making them happy, but you know what I mean) acting like that is deeply manipulative and extremely toxic. People who act like that do not respect your boundaries, or you as a person, and you don't need them in your life.


BroccoliPrince t1_j1icr93 wrote

Oops, replied the wrong thing to the wrong comment.

I'm actually not. Animals are a good barometer for a variety of reasons, only some of which were mentioned in my original comment. They respond to kindness, respect, and consideration, which are traits I personally value, and therefore a domestic animal's response to a person is something I'm generally inclined to trust. Maybe you value different things.


BroccoliPrince t1_j1i1ev4 wrote

Honestly, people underestimate the intuition of animals. Plus, even discounting that, animals are often a good barometer for checking a person's... I dunno, understanding of boundaries and consent.

Most (domestic) animals enjoy company, they enjoy the company of humans, but they have limits - they don't want to be pet a certain way and will snap if you ignore their warnings, or they don't like being snuck up on, whatever. The people they dislike are the people who refuse to learn to read their cues, and the people they like are the ones who make an effort to interact on their level. If a person can't get along with domestic animals, I usually take that as a red flag.