
Bryanb337 t1_j29ufz9 wrote

I'm sure they do and it does but if it's a matter of it going to where it's needed most and you have areas that don't even have the proper facilities to teach, that's a little more important than raises and equipment.

I'm a teacher so I certainly understand the desire for raises and better equipment but also understand that my school is not the only one in need.


Bryanb337 t1_ixn8i2i wrote

I want you to give details of how he is worse. Actual details and explanations. You're beating around the bush speaking very vaguely about his political conviction. You haven't actually detailed exactly why Lula is bad and how he will be worse. The lack of detail leads me to believe that you're just basing your views on anti socialism propaganda and you don't really have a full understanding of either man.

But go ahead keep deflecting with your faux disbelief at me questioning your crap.