
Bryanormike t1_ja9h1dq wrote

You very well may get rejected and that sucks so mentally try to prepare for that. But it's better than sitting there doing nothing hoping the other person just magically makes a move.

Tbh you can just start by saying something as simple as hey, I like you and think you're cute. Would you want to go on a date?

Now again he may say no but at least then you can start movin on or just being friends or w e


Bryanormike t1_j6nl5f2 wrote

She only confessed to you because she realized she was caught. She did not do it because it's about trust or because she wants you to trust her more, or she would've brought it up initially or when first confronted.

You specifically mentioned she originally doubled down. Then, when you revealed evidence/proof, she was lying suddenly she was lying to avoid having that conversation with you.

As the other person said. If you hadn't confronted her about this she would've been fine and happy lying to your face about this.

I'm not saying she would've cheated on you or not. But she wants you to trust her when she blatantly lied to your face multiple times. She's playing you.

It's like someone stabbing you in the back. You turn around and they have a knife in their back and they tell you to turn around. They promise they won't stab you again. It doesn't make sense.

Btw the more I read it your did handle it very immaturely, but it still doesn't change that she's playing you.


Bryanormike t1_iyccqqr wrote

Sounds like you both struggle to communicate a bit. In your post you say you ask her non seriously (what the hell does that mean) but then you got serious when it made her upset.

Youre both dancing around just being serious. I can see why you'd be annoyed if you feel like you can't have a serious conversation about your relationship but you're doing this as you're describing how you failed to start off a serious conversation. Which is equally as annoying.

Try this next time. Sit her down and tell her you want to have a serious conversation about you two having trouble communicating. How you want to stop dancing around serious topics. Every time you want to have a serious conversation you yourself need to be serious. Rather than ask a question repeatedly point out that they're ignoring the question and tell them how it makes you feel.

Again. The way you went about things is pretty accusatory and the way you speak about the guy makes it sound like you do think some kind of way. So you can idk tell me you trust her but your post is basically a big ass "idk my girlfriend being a lil sus" post.


Bryanormike t1_iyc78iq wrote

She probably got annoyed because it's not a funny joke, especially when you keep repeating it.

Again you had something to say so rTher than repeatedly asking the question childishly you should've told her that you wanted a serious discussion.

It's no surprise she got annoyed or angry at you. It's a very childish way to go about things. Especially when you're basically saying you don't trust her or what you're gonna try to spin it as you don't trust him.


Bryanormike t1_iuimo8s wrote

Quite frankly, yes, sit back or cut contact. It's not really your business unless she specifically asks for advice on it.

I hate to put it that bluntly but if you don't like it you don't have to be her friend. Or just tell her you don't want to hear about her spending habits.

Sure, it may not seem smart. But that's a different conversation.