
Btetier t1_jeas1wu wrote

Lol no, I'm not salty, it's just funny that you think this was useful in any way. Clearly if you can afford to live your life happily, which if you make 250k a year then you still do, even after inflation then you aren't the target audience of the question. It's not really that hard to understand, but I guess I already knew that even if you make good money it doesn't make you smart.


Btetier t1_j4vy6wi wrote

Lol, when people were getting arrested for wearing pride flags in Qatar there were dumbasses who were defending the Qatar police by saying that the people should know they are in a different country and to follow their rules and respect their culture. But, now we have the same thing happening here (but without any real penalty) and the same people are saying "well he is from Russia so it's ok"


Btetier t1_iyfbwhx wrote

Lol what? Are you guys truly that dense? Once you catch someone, tackle them and cuff them. Done. No need to apply more violence to the situation. If they can't handle that, then they shouldn't be police. It's really that simple. The job of the police is to apprehend people, not dish out judgment.


Btetier t1_iyfaphx wrote

No one is saying he shouldn't have been chased and apprehended... if he was apprehended and not beaten, this wouldn't even be a story. Fact is, he should not have been beaten the way he was. Period. If you think that running from the police is grounds for a beating, then you are part of the issue.


Btetier t1_iyf9ubk wrote

I don't think anyone is going to argue that he could have made better decisions. The fact is though, that he shouldn't have gotten beat like that for just running away. In no world is that the right way to do things