
BugEyedLemur t1_ja8g53m wrote

Brendan Fraser's career is the epitome of perseverance, which he so eloquently stated. I don't get excited about celebrity success very often, but as someone who has gone through the wringer of self-doubt myself, I am elated to see his resurgence back to the main stage. A remarkable journey for one of the kindest people in Hollywood.

Good luck at the Oscars, Brendan. Loads and loads of people are rooting for you.


BugEyedLemur t1_j8k0sk7 wrote

Lol what exactly does cursing say about me? I like to swear when I'm impassioned? Please elaborate.

Now, concerning your questions, these time frames should be decided by those who are impacted by the event. When the students feel ready to go back, they are ready to go back. Polling is huge in these types of scenarios. Grief counselors work with students and also work directly with crisis management teams to make these types of decisions alongside school boards. All of the data that is amassed regarding the student bodies' mental health status is analyzed, then a decision is made by these bodies. There is no standard for these types of events because they are so dynamic. Information and data will help make the decision which will leave some people happy and some not. You cannot please everyone.

All that said, sports can wait a bit while the people in charge can navigate the best way to approach this.

For good measure: fuck.


BugEyedLemur t1_j8jwr63 wrote

Did the thought ever occur to you that the students who died may have been friends with the student-athletes or even involved with the teams? An entire community was just fucking shot up for no reason, but yea, basketball within that community shouldn't wait because shootings and basketball aren't directly related.

Give people time to grieve and process what the hell just happened. It could've been anyone who died, including the athletes on the basketball team. For fucks sake, they may have been present when it was all going down. Can't believe this needs to be explained to anyone at this point. Oh wait, yea I can, because stupidity and lack of empathy seemingly run rampant and parallel these days.