
Bywater t1_isu3aps wrote

Reply to comment by Squidworth89 in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly

You really defending politicians engaging in insider trading and allowing them to make decisions based on stocks because they don't get paid enough? Holy fucking Stockholm syndrome Batman.


Bywater t1_isu325m wrote

Luck in battle Bub. You got people who have been in office for decades and have grown fantastically rich off this shit. The odds of them doing anything but lip service or some piddly ass 10k fine on millions in trades is long. He would have a better bet trying to get them to have to list all stock trades as they happen, because as soon as you get other people following them the system is likely to breakdown as all trades become insider trades because of corrupt politicians. That is the only thing that would actually force them to stop it.


Bywater t1_isiff6c wrote

"Still, projections are never perfect, he points out. While the projections Le Bris used captured the differences in tidal mixing, they are based on standard atmospheric effects on ocean temperature and do not reflect changing ocean current patterns in the Gulf of Maine, which Wahle said are harder to model." “I’m not sure the oceanographic forecasting is at a place yet that can project what those conditions are going to look like with respect to the relative strength of the Labrador Current and the Gulf Stream, but to the extent those trends continue, we may be seeing a worsening effect,” he said.

I mean hey, I really hope that they are right and that this unprecedented warming of the Gulf of Maine and death of micro biome won't drive lobstering offshore here. But considering how we are seeing it everywhere else the idea [that the currents that are all going to shit] ( are going to save the day might not be the best gamble. "Particularly considering how much of an effect rising temperatures not only affect biological processes but also reduce water density and thereby stratification and circulation, which affect organismal dispersal and nutrient transport. Precipitation, salinity and winds also affect stratification, mixing and circulation." What we are seeing is one of those "snowball" effects, the water temperatures rise, the microorganisms die and change the density of the water, affecting current and continuing to make things worse. That zooplankton and phytoplankton are foundational to life on this planet, when they are gone and the oceans stop acting as a raditor because of it, well, "thanks for all the fish"... That was Cousteaus unheeded warning.


Bywater t1_ish0ews wrote

That copium you huffing starting to affect your brain. They called this shit back in the 80's, I did a report in high school about it being the geeky little Jacque Cousteau fanboy I was. He and others from the time predicted what warming was going to do to the seas and how coupled with the death of the microbiome from pollution we were going to be in for some shit.

Then in the 90's the lobster industry in Long Island sound collapsed... Just like they predicted it would and everyone was looking for a reason instead of the obvious one that science had already provided for them. Snow crab in Alaska? Ya, that shit is done too apparently, for the same reasons. They guessed then that our industry would suffer the same fate by 2050, but with the astronomical rate of warming in our gulf the odds of it still being viable for even another decade is comically optimistic.

It will never cease to amaze me how many people refuse to listen to scientists despite was is clearly occurring right in front of them.


Bywater t1_is2dr2k wrote

He looks like he having fun, that blue eye from Husky?

And thanks for keeping him on a lead too, as someone who hikes a lot and gets bummed about all those "missing dog" posters end up at trailheads I dig it.


Bywater t1_irur2om wrote

I like how you can often get to talk to and get a feel for your local reps up here. I really wish our national politics were not such a focus and local politics mattered more. It's funny too, because the more you talk to you realize the more they tend to be aligned on about 80% of things regardless of mascot. For sure you get some fuckwit outliers but most of the shit they have us pissed off at each other about is not as decisive as the media makes out.


Bywater t1_irfk8ti wrote

"Southern Hospitality" is fake as fuck. I spent quite awhile bouncing around and living down that way and the one thing that stuck was that for as sickly sweet as they come out of the gate they don't mean any of it. They are also real quick to turn on friends and family over things that my yankee ass took to be trivial shit based more on "What will people say!" than any real fucks to give.


Bywater t1_iqt0f94 wrote

It's fake. Presenting emotions that you do not feel to affect the emotions of others, even if it's to brighten their day, is disingenuous. Just get the "Mainer Nod" down, little reverse nod raise of the chin. Acknowledges that they are there respectfully without indulging in some small talk song and dance.