
Bywater t1_ixqhbtp wrote

Super easy to learn to do yourself. Go to goodwill and grab a handful of garbage knives, learn how to sharpen with a stone with the help of some you tube instruction. Then buy a ken onion sharpener because using a stone takes way to fucking long to do a kitchens worth of knives. Then keep this skill to yourself or everyone you know will want you to sharpen their shit...


Bywater t1_ixmi23e wrote

One more fucking time, as this is clearly hard for some of you to understand. When a whale dies of entanglement it is because it is usually because drowns, as I am sure you know they do have to surface to breathe. As they accumulate more and more fixed lines the weight of it makes it impossible to surface as they grow more and more exhausted. When they finally give up the ghost, the weight of all that tac keeps them under. If that whale, with all it's strength and endurance can no manage to surface then the natural tendency for them to "float" on death is sure as fuck not going to be able to. The other way entanglements can kill them is if the wounds caused by the lines become infected.


Bywater t1_ixjtpr7 wrote

Because my research is as good as the experts who do the shit for a living? Or that I should trust some lobsterman or crabber whose fixed lines is actually killing them?

I swear this is the biggest problem with society these days, you give any fuckwit the internet and they can for sure find some asshole shouting out some shit they want to be true so they take that, call it "research" and we are all the worse off for it.


Bywater t1_ixjnbk1 wrote

>That paper you linked doesn't say anything about finding right whales in the Gulf.

The literal title of the link was "Listening for Right Whales in the Gulf of Maine" so if you are not even going to question your own bullshit enough to even read the title, I will just leave you to it. Also they follow food as they migrate, not a GPS for fucks sakes.


Bywater t1_ixjmoa4 wrote

> They float when they die

Marine life bound with fishing lines to the point they can not struggle to the surface to breath obviously do not. Fuck me, that doesn't make even the first pass of critical thought, how can you repeat that line of garbage without realizing how dumb you sound?


Bywater t1_ixigeup wrote

>Where are all the new regulations on cargo/oil ships that strike and kill the most whales?

I was answering the question King asked. I agree, it does look like snow crab gear, which is why I suggested a more joint approach to solve the problem. Instead the fuckwits went with "Fixed lines don't drown whales in Maine!" which is clearly some bullshit. They get bound up and either tear themselves up breaking free or end up a whalefall.


Bywater t1_ixif2x3 wrote

I agree, whole foods is about money but they market food that is sourced from less fucked up places. Pure speculation, but I don't imagine that it will do shit to the industry on the whole, there will be a market for the stuff abroad if nothing else. However it will absolutely impact the local eateries and pounds as the folks that "summer in Maine" have enough money to give a shit about environmentally sound sourced foods and if they hear about WH not carrying it then they are likely to skip it when they up in summer. And locals either cant afford it, are sick of it or only buy a roll or two a year anyway.


Bywater t1_ixieel7 wrote

>That's fucking idiotic.

Look out before that moment of critical thought catches up to you. You do know what happens when a whale dies of entanglement right? It drowns and gets dragged down to the bottom. Lobsterman know this, scientists know this, most people with half a clue know this. The talking point that "there has never been a Maine related death" is so fucking stupid that only the worst of us repeat it. The only time you get entanglement kills washing up is when infection from the horrific line wounds kills them, the rest of them just end up as whalefalls on the bottom somewhere feeding crabs. They track it by how many of those they study are entangled or show wounds from it (80%) and how many go missing every year.

Fixed line traps kill wales, arguing against that in this day and age? Ya, good luck with that Bub.


Bywater t1_ixi7dg5 wrote

You can find countless pictures of them swimming around covered in gear, all most all of those they track show injury's from entanglement, so your "low hanging fruit" is clearly more than just a scapegoat. The regulations to protect them from strikes is right here, but hey, don't let what is actually going on get in the way of your "Proven fact" provided by the lobster industry...


Bywater t1_ixi6cna wrote

Ya, that is just what I said. Hell, even as strawmen go, that shit weak Bub. It's also not what I am putting down, most of my kin is republican as fuck. They don't vote for the GoP anymore for the most part but that whole scene is a shitshow at this point. What I do not enjoy is something as broad as "lets not kill all the whales" lumped in with "lets not frack until the water catches on fire" getting lumped into politics. Straight up as soon as someone labels me a something I am not or uses a popular talking head phrase or better yet a word like communism or socialism incorrectly I have a natural reaction to no longer give a fuck what you have to say.


Bywater t1_ixhz3na wrote

It's like the meme, "tHE MarKet WilL deCiDe!" followed immediately by, "No, not like that!"

Folks hating on the MSC are just dumb, I remember when they hit the scene after they overfished the grand banks in the early 90's. There is a reason that they exist and that is mostly that capitalism doesn't give a fuck about anything but that next quarters increase in profit. I go back and forth on the whales, but am back in the whales camp due to the garbage arguments they lobster industry is raising. This whole "we have never found one dead in lines" is fucking nonsense, everyone who has ever pulled knows that entanglements drowned them, you are never going to see them and that 80% of those that are still alive that they study show wounds from getting bound up in tac.

They should have come right out of the gate making the argument about Canadian fishers (who also are for sure fucking them up) and pushing for some kind of joint solution to give them a chance. Instead they leaned into right wing politics and are calling people "woke" for caring about the whales. Welp, guilty I do care, so fuck you running Bub. A smart feller would be coming up with that next hustle now before the pinch.


Bywater t1_iwx8pgn wrote

I suspect the vast majority is due to the fact that Musk continues to remove any doubt about what a garbage human being he is. There were times when those things didn't matter, but not anymore. People, particularly young folks, will happily go without something if they thing the people who own it are shitty.