
C9_Starkiller t1_iy0h27c wrote

while i obviously don't speak for everyone, and dicks will almost certainly still show up and attack you no matter what...

i think it's a point of how did you ask it? Did you say "n00b here what switches do I choose???" or "hey, i have tried a couple of boards and find myself leaning towards the feel of linear switches. the ones i tried seemed light/heavy and instead i want something heavy/light. any suggestions?"

people taking time to help and be empathetic are 1000% going to interact with the comment looking like another budding hobbyist over the millionth useless "wut switchs does i git?" comment.


C9_Starkiller t1_iy0fkmr wrote

did i miss the part of this meme where OP said this is deathly serious, he is the only arbiter of correctness, and anyone who disagrees should be executed? responses are wild lmao. like c'mon just chuckle and scroll by...