CHEEZOR t1_j9mzgw1 wrote

As someone who has been cheated on and tried staying together afterwards, I would highly recommend leaving this relationship. However, if you guys choose to stay together, you will need to get counseling for both of you. Also, I would not recommend keeping this a secret from people in your life. I tried to and I think it was much healthier after we broke up and I started to talk about what happened. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!


CHEEZOR t1_j96nhod wrote

This is probably as happy of an ending as you can get for these kids, but I don't think the reality will be that happy for them. Most will probably have deep psychological issues stemming from this traumatic experience that could last the rest of their lives. I didn't read the article, but I would guess that it's entirely possible that some of the parents are no longer with us. It's good news, but bittersweet.