
CIeaverBot t1_iw2vgt8 wrote

This. Actually achieving artificial general intelligence would cause a technological leap similar to the industrial revolution. We're not even close, and the lines between tech journalism and SciFi wishful thinking are blurry at best in this area.

All the AI we have is weak AI, and how to create strong AI is a puzzle that might not be solved within this century. Articles like this happily skip the "How" and quickly move on to paint an exciting image of what will come once strong AI is real.

What this text says on the "How" is generalized technobabble with little substance. Increasing computing power doesn't create strong AI in the same way better and more fuel doesn't teach you how to drive a car. And improved weak AI for speech recognition and computer vision doesn't suddenly merge into strong AI that combines those functions while displaying actual intelligence in terms of reasoning, planning, learning and communicating.

The entire industry already has a hard time creating weak AI that solves multifacetted issues within economic boundaries of efficiency and quality - like autonomous driving, speech translation and text creation without need for human editing.

We make dolls that have a hard time doing single basic tasks. And articles like this go off about how Pinocchio is just around the corner. It's a bad sales pitch aimed at idiots.