
CXB1313 t1_iycz0w7 wrote

yup. used to live down there right up against the reserve. Please consider bringing a garbage bag. i used to fill the bed of my truck multiple times oer year with all the garbage people refuse to pack out.

Me and my sister once picked an entire pick up bed of cans q couple of years ago. we returned them and used the money to ransome some fishing worms and put them in our garden.


CXB1313 t1_iwpzo2s wrote

also, i have no political stance in this race. As i already stated, I didn't vote for the guy. As a non-binary person, pretty sure that would have been like shooting myself in the foot. so no. Just can't stand people who make mountains out of molehills and whine incessantly like wee petty bitches. Drama. SMH


CXB1313 t1_iwpz2qp wrote

Vermont is beautiful. thinking otherwise, because your Neighbor left some signs up you dont agree with...then coming on here to piss and moan like somebody kicked yourr puppy is Petty AF.

Mind your own. Live and let live.

Vermont has so much beauty all around. you chose to see only the thing you don't think is. on your neighbor's dirt.

go practice being a Good neighbor maybe with all your spare time and quit being petty.

Pettiness does absolutely nothing to help with making "Vermont beautiful"


CXB1313 t1_iwpma1o wrote

just tired of petty ass bullshit like you're propagating on here. your entire post is petty.

angry, I suppose a bit yes. Mainly at people like you who just seek to keep petty bullshit going.

molehills to mountains is not what we need right now. We need unity, as a state and nation. The kind of shit you posted does nothing but create derision for no discernible reason.

nobody needs petty bullshit dude. yet you attempt to breed it.

grow the fuck up. go find some shit that matters to use your energy on

bitching about your neighbor having his yard signs up a week after the election like it's something needing a law passed is pathetic bud.


CXB1313 t1_iwmxo6x wrote

hey why not just mind your own fucking business and try to live and let live, vs being a whiney sniveling cunt?
or did you think that being said whiney cunt would get you some free karma for punching down? He's a loser, everyone knows it now too. Take the win and STFU
