
Cabbage_Patch_Itch t1_jaenegs wrote

Cause she’s NOT committed. I’ve been friends with these girls my whole life. Every guy is the best once they get together but somehow they are still looking for bester. And they were not receptive to advice. Some people just aren’t ready. Why do they pretend to want it and hurt people? I don’t know.


Cabbage_Patch_Itch t1_jaekuzd wrote

It happens. The merciful dump you and move on. The cruel just cheat. The cowards stay and resent you. It’s not cheating. If someone meets a person they prefer and leave it just them leaving. I think you’re better of considering the options. You need someone who isn’t still looking. She obviously was keeping her options open. She isn’t LTR material.


Cabbage_Patch_Itch t1_jae8dzq wrote

I wouldn’t do it. What you did sucked but sucked in proportion to your age and how much you still had to learn. On the other hand, she is still with this man. It is absolutely possible that he has grown up, all is well and the three of you will have a good laugh. It is also possible that things are as abusive as ever and you’ll set of something bad. My advice is to reignite the friendship and see what’s going on before you bring up how abusive you thought her man was in high-school.