
Caelinus t1_jduq0sf wrote

This is of course referring to a specific type of grey wolf, for people who are interested. The vast majority of wolves around the world are nowhere near this big. However, Grey/Timber wolves from NA are waaaaaay bigger than you would expect. We have a sanctuary for them where I live, and it is super lucky they are not terribly aggressive towards people.

One of them I saw was over 100lbs, (they are lighter for their size than dogs as they are narrower) and probably 6 feet long. It was a younger one, and was super happy to see us.

When going into the viewing potion of the sanctuary I noticed they had ~12 foot fences, and I swear that wolf was hitting 8-10 with every jump. Thew threw a whole elk in the pen, and a single wolf grabbed it and dragged it off on its own. They are freakishly strong and fast.

For whatever reason they are generally more curious about people than aggressive, as I said though, so all the wolves would hang out in the viewing area to people watch calmly whenever people showed up. The young ones wanted to play with the humans, but they are too strong and uncontrollable, so even if they did not intentionally hurt you they would still accidentally maul you.

Really interesting creatures.


Caelinus t1_jdf972a wrote

I have the same problem with being able to tell these days, but for me it just means that people between 18-23ish look like high schoolers to me now.

Thankfully that is a turn off. I don't get why people fetishize youth so much. My ideal age for attraction has so far been heavily based on a range around my own age. As I have gotten older the range has expanded, but it is always trending older.


Caelinus t1_j21hshj wrote

My pet theory after reading that: He just has really, really crap form, and his punch was thrown with a slapping motion so his curled fingers impacted rather than his knuckles.

The witnesses, at a loss to figure out how to describe such a stupid move used to do something so horrible, called it a "closed hand sort of slap."

I like this theory because he is a professional boxer apparently, and so him being revealed to have terrible form outside of a controlled environment destroys his image.


Caelinus t1_iz33ck7 wrote

It can be parsed that way in English, but essentially no one would form and use that sentence. The only way it would work is if the "breadbasket" in some way did something special to bread aside from containing it. So it would be possible say that the store is called "Breadbasket" and it serves bread from itself, but then its name would just be Panera.

To use that construction with its actual name being "Panera Bread" you would need to call it Panera Bread Bread, or Breadbasket Bread Bread.

To me it seems pretty clear that they wanted to name themselves Panera after changing their name from Au Bon Pain, and realized that they might have marketing issues as most people would not immediately know what either of those names meant. So they just tacked bread on the end of their new name to make it obvious what their specialty was.


Caelinus t1_iz172do wrote

Panera means "Bread Basket," so Panera Bread is "Bread Basket Bread" which is a silly name.

Unrelated, but the funniest company name to me is still Schlecht Construction as Schlecht is one of the German words for "bad" in the objective sense. (as opposed to "feeling bad.")

So the name of the company is "Bad Construction" or just as accurately "Unskilled Construction" or "Bad Quality Construction." I know that it is probably just a last name, but it makes me laugh every time I see their logo.


Caelinus t1_iswfec9 wrote

> It’s better than spending it on expensive shows hardly anyone watches.

Better for people who own a part of Netflix, definitely. But also definitely not better for the pursuit of art. I am totally fine with trash shows in general, and there are some that are even highly entertaining.

I just think there should be a higher principal than whatever has the highest ROI. I know that most people working in television feel the same too. Unfortunately our entire system of ownership disincentivizes doing that almost entirely, so we have to fall back on the goodwill of those paying the artists.

I think the reason Netflix cancels so many of its good shows is that they need new prestige content to draw people in, and by a few seasons in they stop pulling in new subs at the same rate. At that point they just want to keep people subbed with an endless stream of low effort but lightly entertaining shows.


Caelinus t1_is6r7fu wrote

A lot of the buyers in any collectable market are just people who think scarcity and value are the same thing. They tend to buy scarce stuff to hopefully have it accrue value over time.

The problem in this case is that two unreleased games are only scarce specifically, not generally. It would be one thing if one of these was a 90% finished prototype of a Metroid sequel that never existed, but there are a lot of unreleased games out there that were never released because people do not want them.