
CafeGhibli t1_j2uxuug wrote

Hey man kn4v3VT is being very patient and kind with you.

You should be thanking him for taking the time to actually engage in a civil discourse with you. That’s not what you wanted, tho, is it?

You come off as stubborn and naive and you’ll stay that way forever and probably be proud of it.


CafeGhibli t1_j1r9n11 wrote

Is it your first time skiing or first time in Vermont?

If it’s your first time on skis the terrain isn’t really going to matter. Find a place where you can get a cheap ticket and instructions.

If you’ve skied before then you’ve gotta decide if you value conditions or vibes more. If it’s conditions - go where the snow is and postpone the decision as long as you can.

If it’s vibes - jay is a big nice refurbished resort up north. Okemo and Killington have the best ski towns imo. Bolton and Smuggs are quiet and friendly. Stowe is Stowe, and Sugarbush is like Stowe without all the Stowe.


CafeGhibli t1_ir6e2bm wrote

Super helpful thanks. I’m registered for some avi stuff too. I just want to learn how to hit jumps better. When I was younger I’d learn jumps and drops the hard way but I’d like to reduce falls these days.

Re: days/ week - I negotiated 4day work weeks with my employer. Cram a few sunrise/sunset skins in there and it turns into an awesome winter


CafeGhibli t1_ir55eod wrote

This is helpful, thanks. It's kind of what I figured - I'd have to bring an instructor elsewhere with me.

And I think maybe that second part is key too - there just might not be much instruction can do at this point. I think it's mostly tailored towards less advanced skiers.


CafeGhibli t1_ir2x04z wrote

Thanks for this answer I know they are right. But I’m really not looking for advice I’m looking for an instructor. I ski off piste. I ski 3-4 days a week in the winter. I take trips out west. I boot back and ski back country. I ski steeps and I love getting worked on hard, hard moguls. I’m heading to Japan (their policy permitting) this winter for two weeks to ski in Hokkido and hopefully a tour of Fuji.

But it feels silly to, like, say that here because it kinda moves me further away from the question I’m asking which is really a simple one - can I find off books instruction? I believe there is always room to improve and I’d love to make sure my form is super solid. A bunch of people ski with garbage form.

So idk. I just want instruction dude. You know? I didn’t post that question to debate the value of it or be gatekept away from it.

I half expected it tho. This sub can def be kinda judgy and toxic, so that’s on me for posting it anyway.

Lol ok rant over