
CalebVI t1_ja523vj wrote

This is hilarious and stupid at the same time. At least you got to be in the show!

But on a more serious note, you shouldn't have pushed her so much. On the other hand if she already knew it was all just one big South Park routing and it took her 4 years to admit she resented you for even liking it... Well, all I gotta say is part of the blame for that is on her part and it would be silly if she didn't give you a second chance and explained what's bothering her about it.

Long story short... You guys need to communicate better. Best of luck, Fatass!


CalebVI t1_izreoij wrote

Really cool way of representing the info.

My only constructive criticism is you should have made the divider lines a bit thinner. They draw way too much attention to themselves, and there is very little room to expand the symbols because of it.