
Canadianacorn t1_j2ymcb0 wrote

Is being an Avionics Tech a career young people should be thinking about? What does an AVN Tech career look like these days?

(I just released after 23 years in the Army, and I spent a number of those years at recruiting talking up your trade. It would be great to hear an update on what those careers look like these days)

EDIT: I just realized that you are likely a civilian Avionics Technician, and not a military AVN Tech. My mistake!


Canadianacorn t1_j1qjkzg wrote

I'm not trying to talk you out of your position. I respect anyone who engages in rational thought on any given topic.

When I look at UFO/alien visits, I'm struck by two things.

First, Occam's Razor (as an example) would tell us that the argument that requires the least assumptions should form our starting point of investigations. The explanation for most UFO incidents would seem to have terrestrial explanations that, to me, require little assumptions compared to the large assumption that foreign living beings are visiting us. So I try, as a sceptic, to start my investigation assuming these phenomena are of "ordinary" origin.

Second, in the absence of any clear evidence, I struggle to imagine any conclusion about alien life that I can develop that isn't built on speculative premises. Having no clear body of facts, I can build no compelling conclusions.

Because of these two premises, I hold that any rational investigation of UFO is so rich in speculation and assumption, it can offer me very little certainty. And while exciting and sometimes compelling, I am personally forced to relegate it to entertainment rather than philosophical examination.

I'm a total amateur in this field though. I have a few undergrad courses and a lot of personal study, but I am hardly philosophically literate yet. Still a fun thought exercise!


Canadianacorn t1_j1q9965 wrote

I find much of it interesting as an artistic expression, but I don't (personally) find that line of though overly compelling as a philosophy. I've brushed up against these ideas (if I'm interpreting your post correctly) through Philip K Dicks work and through some of the spiritual side of Jung.

I guess in my mind, there are greater scientific arguments to be made against this line of thought than there are philosophical arguments for it. That said, I respect that there is a philosophical discussion to be had around paranormal issues, and while I don't share the fascination, I'd never want to take it away from anyone else.