CandiBunnii t1_j5up7gd wrote
Reply to comment by RagicalUnicorn in The women in my family give birth differently by EaPAtbp
What's he gonna do, bite me with his middle tooth?
CandiBunnii t1_j5qf53w wrote
Reply to comment by HorrorJunkie123 in The women in my family give birth differently by EaPAtbp
This is perfectly normal!
^^For ^^Scientology
CandiBunnii t1_j5kccem wrote
Reply to comment by TheBumblingBee1 in Warnings to the wannabe cryptid hunters: So I guess my brother is a serial killer by girl_from_the_crypt
She literally did
CandiBunnii t1_j3h6ttj wrote
Reply to comment by HippoBanana58 in My Name is Daniel. by Hellisme88
Yeah wait a second, where do the original body owners go?
Do they just die in their sleep in time for this dude to slip in?
Are they trapped along for the ride?
CandiBunnii t1_j3a4r9g wrote
Reply to I've been talking to the boy next door through my bedroom window for a while. His latest messages are freaking me out. by Trash_Tia
Ain't nothing scarier than a dude with mommy issues
Except maybe the mother that causes them
Get somewhere safe and get the police involved. It seems like cops are the one thing she's afraid of.
I would keep your plans away from your mom. It might be a little late for her to come around.
CandiBunnii t1_j33swb5 wrote
Reply to comment by Prince_Polaris in Heroin is a hell of a drug. If you read this I apologize in advance. by MrFrontenac
The name is a bit of a misnomer, as most of the length is in the legs (and arms, I suppose)
You can get about 12 pounds of belly from a short pig, which is where delicious bacon is usually cut from.
Given that the ideal fat-to-meat ratio in a long pig would be in the rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, and transverse abdominal muscles of the abdomen, you would likely get considerably less bacon from a long pig.
I suppose if you went out of your way to find a particularly lengthy long pig, your dream could potentially be possible.
However, long pig tastes quite similar to veal, if you're looking for a genuine Denny's Grand Slam flavor of bacon, you might be a little disappointed.
CandiBunnii t1_j31piiv wrote
Reply to comment by MrFrontenac in Heroin is a hell of a drug. If you read this I apologize in advance. by MrFrontenac
You can make your own from scratch, but store bought is usually fine unless you're feeling fancy!
There's some purists that prefer the free range and organic ones, but honestly they're pretty expensive and taste the same anyway.
Be sure to remove hair before roasting, it becomes brittle and breaks easily making it a pain to remove as you go and can ruin an otherwise lovely meal.
CandiBunnii t1_j31o5mq wrote
Hey man, I may have sampled a little long pig here and there but most of us do draw the line at children.
Hardly any meat on them, and they aren't even ripe yet.
CandiBunnii t1_j2mwyrg wrote
Welp, it was bound to happen eventually.
We had a good run guys.
CandiBunnii t1_j2lyw17 wrote
Reply to comment by AdPsychological139 in I am terrified of my wife by Nova1123
I hope so, maybe it'll take care of the raccoon in my ceiling
CandiBunnii t1_j2lwylv wrote
Reply to comment by chalaismyig in I am terrified of my wife by Nova1123
I knew I was on to something by never drinking water or brushing my teeth!
Also explains all the lurking shadow people and the eyes that peer back at me from my vent.
CandiBunnii t1_j2caeb9 wrote
Reply to comment by throwaway76881224 in Der Mampf by HeadOfSpectre
I figured, still gave me a chuckle
CandiBunnii t1_j2834m6 wrote
Reply to Der Mampf by HeadOfSpectre
>I was around 15 the night they died.
>like a couple in their twenties…
Man I hope this is an unfortunate simile and that your parents didn't have you at 14 (at the VERY latest)
I wonder if Der Mampf killed Decker because he actually happened to be making too much noise hunting, or if It wanted revenge after being shot at.
Or perhaps, particularly if you consider the fact that Der Mamph solely took the eyes of Blümel, the only other person to have seen it; leaving his teeth intact and his innards on the inside when teeth generally seem to be the first thing to go and the eyes not being removed prior to consumption in other occurrancss... He was killed simply for laying eyes upon the beast.
Blümel may be unwilling to describe his attacker Because he knows that he may lose more than his sight should invoke its ire and cause their paths to cross again.
Hopefully this isn't the case, as the only other living person known to have observed Der Mamph it may be plotting your evisceration and/or enucleation already.
CandiBunnii t1_j23vqmi wrote
Reply to comment by brightcookie in So I probably should have listened better when the rep was touring me around the apartment. by AsALark
Now that you mention it, the kitchen cabinet handles really fit like a glove...
CandiBunnii t1_j23vle3 wrote
Reply to comment by Yuki_The_Dumbass in So I probably should have listened better when the rep was touring me around the apartment. by AsALark
What do you think the tile grout is made of?
That's right. Baby batter.
CandiBunnii t1_j23upfe wrote
I feel you, I like to lounge around wearing a ketchup bottle costume, just the hat if I'm feeling feisty.
Keeps the Jehovah's Witnesses away.
Wedding dresses are expensive for a pretty dress you only get to wear for a few hours, if at all.
Nothing wrong with getting your money's (or emotional investments) worth out of it.
I do recall someone in a similar situation doing pretty well turning their land into a campground, and another offering guided tours for a hefty price, definitely worth considering if there's interest.
The Cryptid Gravy Seals are going to show up and die all over your property anyway, may as well hand them a list of rules and pocket the admission fee.
May also keep those that live in the woods from leading your employees astray if they're well sated with those that don't follow directions or intentionally antagonize.
CandiBunnii t1_j1y9h0q wrote
Reply to comment by Prince_Polaris in Something Is Eating My Neighbors by beardify
Ooh! Good catch.
CandiBunnii t1_j1vwi50 wrote
Reply to Something Is Eating My Neighbors by beardify
Well Ami seems to have been eaten by the slime man, but Ani might still have a chance!
In all seriousness, I wonder if you've always been "of the slime" or if touching the slime in Ami/Ani's apartment caused you to turn.
The odds of two of you being In the same apartment complex seems low, do you remember if you had any siblings?
It sounds like after this you can return to a normal human life, at least for the next 30 years.
You might be spending most of that in a very special prison for all that manslaughter, but yknow.
CandiBunnii t1_j1ltvl3 wrote
Reply to comment by quartzlimes in Rules for an Endless Gravel Road by need_a_nightlight
At the very least a little disembowelment should spice up the monotony
CandiBunnii t1_j0vhbz3 wrote
Reply to comment by whiskeygambler in The Numbers Station. by FreneticCenotaph
There's a raccoon out there frantically transcribing and translating the transmissions as we speak
CandiBunnii t1_j0td2rs wrote
The trick is to already be dead inside at your Intreview so they can't tell if you're dead on the job
CandiBunnii t1_j0kasmt wrote
Reply to I'm a barista at a café that serves the odd and supernatural. The giant is offering alternative milk. by AHauntedBarista
I'm not sure if it would be better or worse to tell Ben how you actually get milk from a cow.
Best Case? He stops disintegrating people.
Worst case? He keeps disintegrating people, but starts with the nipples.
CandiBunnii t1_j0kan4h wrote
Reply to comment by Verdewhis in I'm a barista at a café that serves the odd and supernatural. The giant is offering alternative milk. by AHauntedBarista
I have a feeling the candles take as much as they give (plus the cost of labour and materials) so bringing milk Keith back to life will likely mean someone else has to die at the least.
CandiBunnii t1_j0gr0zy wrote
Reply to The Door Peeper by Stealth_Nymph
Dudes just doing a cryptid version of House Hunters, been trying to find the perfect house for his wife and three abominations and having shit luck.
Housing market is terrible , can't blame him
CandiBunnii t1_j8he94o wrote
Reply to comment by gravitylawyer in I'm a barista at a café that serves the odd and supernatural. The light in the office can't be turned back on. by AHauntedBarista
Yknow, a meaty, bony, cannibalistic squishmallow!