
CanisSirius t1_j1ce6zs wrote

Thanks for the response! Man, what a journey that must've been finally getting your big break! As a screenwriter, what would you say are some ways (practical or even impractical) that I can help Directors see and be inspired by my virtual shit-ton of very specific creative vision I have for my screenplays without being the annoying writer on set? Can notes from me include visual CGI samples I whipped up in my animation app at home? Or would I just be better off trying to become a Director? lol


CanisSirius t1_j1cc132 wrote

Hi, 3-part question: How did you break into Directing? How long did it take you to do that? Have you found being the Director of your work was the only way to ensure your creative vision remains intact from script to screen, free from unnecessary rewrites?