
Captain_Quidnunc t1_jdia0ap wrote

Neither AI nor Jordan Peterson will solve this problem.

Ideological viewpoints are caused by faulty data. Not faulty processing.

If you have been taught that 2+2=5 and consider that part of your identity, no amount of polite discussion is going to fix the problem. You need to be deprogrammed.

Nor will an AI. The individual will simply claim bias in the AIs programmer and demand they reprogram the AI to give them wrong answer. As we have already seen.

The problem is allowing ecosystems of false realities to reinforce mental illness by rewarding those who publicly proclaim their crazy.


Captain_Quidnunc t1_jclzk6a wrote

"Got any of these studies?" Please.

Got any studies that say otherwise?

If you do...I'm sure the psychological community would love any data refuting that humans are more comfortable talking to computers than them. Granted the Google search history, let alone AI chat logs, of any living human would immediately falsify that data and render it moot. But I'm sure they would love to hear about it.

If you are going to search for this sort of data I would actually suggest Consensus. It's better for finding peer reviewed data than Google.

And make sure to differentiate between studies gauging public preferred response to observed data. Because that's the other side of this coin. We lie to our doctors. We tell the truth to computers.


Captain_Quidnunc t1_jcakff9 wrote


You are listing a bunch of things that are completely irrelevant.

Nobody cares if AI gives them warning messages. And AI only gives you warning messages while the people who programmed it are worried about getting sued.

And it's not legally possible to sue an internet company due to section 230 of the communication decency act. So if consumers don't like them and they decrease profits, they will disappear.


Nobody thinks "real therapists" are effective to begin with. So they won't really expect AI therapists to be much if any better. So the bar for acceptance is remarkably low. And it's impossible to sue a "real therapist" if someone commits suicide while under their care.

So again, irrelevant.

If everyone who needed a therapist tried to get care from "real therapists" there would be a shortage of "real therapists" on the order of 30,000 providers at a minimum. With average wait times now of approximately 4-6 months to even get an appointment today. With 70% of therapists in most areas refuse to accept new clients. And most insurance makes it near impossible to get reimbursed.

So to the average person, seeing a "real therapist" isn't even an option.

And last and most important, healthcare in this country is a for-profit industry. The largest expense to any corporation is salary paid to skilled workers. And the more skilled workers they can eliminate from payroll, the more investors make.

So just like all other white collar work, the millisecond a company can fire every single skilled worker and replace their work with a free computer program they will. Because by doing so, the board gets a raise.

And they are well aware that we changed corporate law to make it impossible for individuals to sue companies for anything during the Bush administration. And since then the courts have upheld this.

So there aren't enough "real therapists" to meet demand in the first place.

Nobody cares about the warnings other than the annoyance and they won't last long.

Businesses profit from AI therapists and lose money creating or hiring more "real therapists".

And no company must, or does, fear getting sued because it's not possible to sue them.

Therefore the career "real therapist" will not survive the first round of mass layoffs any more than "real radiologist" or "real computer programmer".

It's a dead career. With a shelf life of approximately 3-5 years.


Captain_Quidnunc t1_jc915vu wrote

I think you are horribly mistaken and "Therapist" will be in one of the first major rounds of job eliminations. Every study conducted on the topic shows people are more comfortable speaking to computer therapists than human therapists. And have improved outcomes as a result.

There's no feeling of being judged by a computer to overcome before progress can be made.

Many people have in fact been using AI as their therapist for a while now. And I'm certain the number will only exponentially increase as soon as famous people start recommending it as a low cost alternative to traditional talk therapy.'s free, available on demand 24/7 and can be accessed from home.

I'm not sure how you think traditional therapists will be able to compete with that.

You will not be able to compete with that in a free market.

There simply isn't a better value proposition than free, whenever you want and from your couch. Unless you are planning on doing free, 24/7, on demand house calls.

So there are some jobs AI will struggle to replace. Like on site construction and maintenance work.

But "Therapist" isn't one of them.

It will likely be one of the first jobs on the AI chopping block.


Captain_Quidnunc t1_j5vqu26 wrote

I know exactly what I mean.

Do you?

First off, mass has nothing to do with volume.

Nobody is quite sure what causes mass. But it absolutely is not volume. The two are not connected in any way other than taking shortcuts to estimate the mass of 3+ dimensional objects by assuming a fixed volume of a given substance has a fixed mass.

You are trying to apply the rules of baking a cake to physics at the cosmological scale. It just doesn't work that way.

And yes. Two dimensional objects don't have what we consider thickness. That's what makes them 2 dimensional.

Neither do black holes. Feel free to try to calculate the thickness of a black hole. Or the thickness of anything in it.

Go for it. Try to calculate the 3+ dimensional "space" between any two known or proposed particles in the presence of the gravitational forces observed in black holes.

Please show where all the Z vectors and time dependent values end up.

By the way...what force are you proposing that can maintain a Z distance between these particles?

In opposition to the known gravitational forces present in black holes?

The electromagnetic repulsion from electrons that normally maintains Z?

Past the event horizon?


Repelling with sufficient force to overcome the gravitational forces present?

And this is exactly what the latest information from gravitational wave study and hawking radiation says as well. That a black hole is what it means to observe and attempt to measure an infinitely (or near infinitely) massive 2 dimensional object from 4+ dimensional space.

It also probably means that everything "in" a black hole is pure data that somehow maintains mass or mass like gravitational effects on 4+ dimensional space. But again, we don't know what causes mass. Or gravity for that matter.

It's really weird compared to average observations of reality at human scale. But so is the fact that all protein expression is completely dependent on shape.

And who knows, maybe 50 years from now we will have a completely different and clearer understanding of black holes. But the current, best, approximation of reality is this. However weird it is.

Hell, when I was a kid the best Nobel laureates in physics and cosmology said black holes were fairy tales.

So nothing much would surprise me.

But this "finding" seems more like an exploration of what is mathematically possible, than an attempt to observe and describe reality in a better way.


Captain_Quidnunc t1_iqn3ftt wrote

This is simply not possible.

Any AI that approaches human intelligence will immediately exceed the capacity for human intelligence.

We would stand before it in intellect as ants stand before us. Completely unable to conceive it.

And this is already clearly displayed by our inability to understand how our current, moron versions of AI, achieve the answer to questions our most impressive minds have struggled to understand for hundreds of years.

The moment we successfully create an AI that can seek out information, modify it's memory and programming to absorb new information and possess a desire to do any way approaching human capabilities for will blow past the level of human intelligence like we never existed.