
Carbon140 t1_je9tz24 wrote

This is a global study, it's including poverty stricken farmers in africa/india/Indonesia etc. This trend was seen in "all but a few wealthy countries", so if you grew up in a wealthy country that provides decent access to schooling/nutrition etc for its more rural population then more than likely what you suggest is true.


Carbon140 t1_je92foc wrote

Just yesterday I was looking at the blandness of corporate advertising and all these bland cartoon characters designed to avoid offending anyone at all. We really are starting to live in a world of bland cheap architecture with bland media and nanny state rules only allowing prescribed "fun". I find it funny that there was so much fear about the conformity of communism and yet every day we inch closer to it through cheap/innofensive capitalism.


Carbon140 t1_jdqac5m wrote

That isn't correct under capitalism. Under capitalism someone can own land/resources and contribute zero Labor and still take profits from it. On a simple scale Imagine a farm or property owner who employs a manager to manage the entire property and just sits on his butt all day.

Under capitalism its very clear no matter how efficient production gets ownership of resources/land will make sure we don't live in some post scarcity utopia.


Carbon140 t1_jdnr4hf wrote


Carbon140 t1_japisyi wrote

That's very kind. I don't really know if it's over the top to be concerned and it's obviously hard to tell the impact because it's so slow, but I definitely feel like it may be having an impact on me mentally from anxiety etc and also physically in the form of my body burning itself out faster than it needs to. I guess the easy weight control is convenient though. It's definitely frustrating to see something that looks like a problem in the future and have doctors seemingly take the attitude that they will do something about it once I have already fallen apart.

What sort of treatments are there? I know in my father's case his Thyriod overgrow in a nodular fation and when he got cancer the situation became much worse as he also had a wildly out of control heart. I remember him saying that he permanently had that feeling like someone had just popped a paper bag behind his head. If mine is overgrowing it would need surgery to remove part of it or some form of radiation iodine treatment to hamper it's function?