
CardiOMG t1_j53m1rd wrote

It can be lots of different colors! Some of them can appear off-white/yellowish.

If you aren't squeamish, go to Google images and search "______ cancer gross pathology " (e.g., breast cancer gross pathology). In this context, gross means what's visible to the naked eye -- though some may think it's just gross lol.


CardiOMG t1_j4j4gmz wrote

It very much depends on the type of cancer! For an easy example: if you develop mesothelioma and have a solid exposure history to asbestos, they will attribute it to that. For cervical cancer, we are pretty good at telling if it’s HPV-related or not. If you get an odd cancer and have no other risk factors other than your exposure history, it will be listed as a possible or probable contributor in the notes provably.


CardiOMG t1_iv0j9ej wrote

The amount of blood your heart pumps is called cardiac output, and it’s equal to the stroke volume (how much blood your heart pumps out with each beat) times your heart rate. A fit heart will be stronger so can produce a higher stroke volume, so a lower heart rate is required to meet your body’s demand for blood/oxygen. Fit people also have vasculature with lower resistance, so your heart doesn’t have to overcome as much resistance as well.


CardiOMG t1_itpgls6 wrote

The blood can go through more than just that blood vessel. If you have 2 vessels in parallel and one gets injured and constricts, the resistance in that vessel will increase. In that way, more blood will flow through the other vessel and less blood will flow through the injured vessel.