
Cascadian73 t1_j9yh0cr wrote

I had a 1968 850 Spyder. I think this a 1967 model. The '68 had little side marker lights on the front and rear fenders that were not on the '67 and since I don't see the lights here, I conclude '67. If you could see the front it would be easy, the '67 had cool aerodynamic covers over the head lights, whereas the '68 had exposed vertical plain head lights. The side markers and the exposed head light was due to NHTSA regs that went into effect for 1968 and later models.


Cascadian73 t1_j8tgucf wrote

I fill an Aladdin Stanley quart stainless vacuum "thermos" every day for home use. After a few months a brown scum forms on the inside. I use a partial tablet of automatic dishwasher detergent and boiling water, fill, shake it up and let sit overnight and rinse with hot water (several times) in the morning. The coffee residue will come out as kind of a brown film. Looking down at the bottom under a strong light, you can see it is now shinny stainless. Good to go until next time.