
CatalystIsMyFav t1_ja8ob73 wrote

Ratio. I actually had to do this in woodwork. It helps because we can keep the measurements the same just smaller so what we want to build can be drawn on paper. Because if we wanted to make a 1:1 ratio of something that’s 10x30 metres we’d need a fuck ton of paper


CatalystIsMyFav t1_j9kw5vt wrote

I imagine because the plate is thinner than the food so it takes less to heat it up because the heat has less atoms to travel through


CatalystIsMyFav t1_j6m7iey wrote

And this post fucking hurts. My dad had various pocket knives of that make. My mum also got him a new one with his full name on the side on his last birthday ever. He died less than two months after. His birthday’s on the 26th of February and he died on the 22nd of April 2022

Fuck you cancer


CatalystIsMyFav t1_j6kdlur wrote

A third notification for you. Also l have hidden a bomb in this comment, if you don’t find the odd letter out within 15 minutes your post will blow up in a whole different way. You can do whatever you can