
Category3Water t1_je6ngri wrote

To me the album is one of the best things released in the 90s until Porcelain. From there, it sort of meanders towards the end. Then again, maybe Porcelain is just so boring it just made me feel almost everything after was mediocre. I admit after my first few listens to the album, I’d just go back to the beginning after Easily. Might stop by Right on Time.


Category3Water t1_je0izd1 wrote

The vast majority of Dolly’s music is disposable, mainstream Nashville country music that was shitted on by most of the country when she was releasing it. And all of these Dolly praise posts devote the majority of space to her career outside of music because most people can’t stand Dolly’s actual music outside of a few songs that got famous because better singers covered them. She’s obviously a hard worker and a brilliant capitalist, but her musical legacy is 90% mediocre, forgettable music in a genre that many in the country outright despise. Every other post about mainstream country music is about how it sucks. Most folks under 30 know Dolly more for being a wealthy saint than for her music. And if they knew her by her music first like a lot of us who grew up with the country music that the rest of the country was making fun of, then there would always be a caveat to Parton praise. There isnt because folks like what Dolly represents, not her music.


Category3Water t1_je0gfo4 wrote

If it had been a better area, they couldn’t have afforded the land or had the ability to make it the way they wanted. So it’s admirable, but necessary. And of course, the locals get some nice service jobs, but Dolly is making the real money.


Category3Water t1_j9rz0vh wrote

My great great grandfather served in the confederacy as a teenager. My grandfather‘s grandfather. My grandfather served in WWII and only died within the last decade. That makes the past seem close. Theres a greater truth in that I grew up in an area that was majority black and so most of the kids my age had grandfathers that served in WWII as well, but didn’t get a GI Bill. And their grandfather’s grandfather had a lot riding on the outcome of the civil war as well. Maybe more. This country isn’t that old.