
CaterpillarMotor1593 t1_j8wlif5 wrote

I also wanted to get into tennis without ever playing before so I signed up for classes at CCAE.

The price was very reasonable and the instructor was good. I’m still bad at tennis, but I improved so much.

It’s only 4 classes, but the instructor kept giving us classes until it was too cold to play outside.


CaterpillarMotor1593 t1_j2l0bzr wrote

There’s a big Brazilian community in Cambridge/Somerville. There’s a bunch of restaurants and a grocery store. There’s also schools that teach kids in two languages, including Portuguese.

Not sure about income for a family of 4 as I’m single with no kids, but rent is pretty outrageous in Cambridge. I pay $2300 for a 2bd, which is almost unheard of, my landlord is just very nice and doesn’t raise the rent when he likes the tenants.