
CawCawDumDum t1_jedh6nb wrote

Grim Dawn is the most different from Diablo 4, so I'd recommend it on that basis alone.

Also imagine if there was a game company that perfectly recreated and improved upon your favorite childhood game. That's what Grim dawn is for a lot of people. It's fucking awesome.


CawCawDumDum t1_je8o2vg wrote

Macros and grip training.

Start with an adjustable grip trainer you can buy for like $10 on amazon.

Buy like a $3 pack of hair ties with it to use for extensor exercises.

Keep it simple at 3x20 reps, once a week. Keep the reps really slow and controlled.

Go up when it becomes too easy.

Use macros for any game where you have to left click excessively.