
Cerberusz t1_iycxruk wrote

I’ve noticed a huge shift in the last couple of years. You will get downvoted in this sub for saying anything neutral or positive about Tesla even if it is factual. Economics and Economy have become subs where you get downvoted into oblivion for actually talking about economic principles, and anything that doesn’t go along with the “eat the rich” narrative.


Cerberusz t1_iycxdb0 wrote

Chevy loses money on each bolt.

For the other automakers, they are all priced right around the base model 3 price. They battery is most expensive part of the vehicle. Tesla’s estimated battery costs are about 20% lower due to vertical integration.

Tesla’s have been the number one selling car in each category they’ve entered, so it’s going to be a lot easier for Tesla to move downmarket, than for others to move upmarket.

According to JD Power, Tesla’s build quality is still above Volkswagen, Audi and Volvo.


Cerberusz t1_ivdnwp7 wrote

Three things:

  1. Europe has a systemic risk for energy dependence right now. They cannot bet their futures/economies on Russia. However, they don’t have many other options. Europe is not a particularly windy nor sunny place, so it’s not a very good place for renewables.

  2. The Netherlands in particular is losing a huge natural gas field. The extraction of the gas has been causing sinking of homes and small earthquakes, so they need to shut this down.

  3. Hydrogen generation through electrolysis is now cheaper than natural gas.