
Ch3353man t1_iye1xpz wrote

>We did have an aunt that made sure to keep a substantial amount at her home, but I wouldn't call it hoarding in the same sense. It was though like a treasure hunt cleaning her home after she passed.

My grandpa passed 14 years ago today coincidentally. My grandma is still alive but the house finally got sold last year because it was too much space for her. Immediately following his passing, my family would regularly find thousands of dollars tucked away in random places. Definitely fell off for awhile but apparently even while clearing out the house before handing it over to the realtor to stage for showings money was still found.

My grandparents lived through the Great Depression and I know it had a huge impact on my grandpa in particular. I know they still had plenty in the bank but I don't think anyone figured just how much he didn't trust the banks to not fail again until all the random cash started turning up. With how much there was and how spread out it apparently was, I feel like it's a miracle that none of us grandkids ever stumbled upon any of it by accident while he was still with us. Like at holidays, pretty much the only room that didn't see any traffic was their bedroom.