
Charming_Love2522 t1_ircv3a2 wrote

Thank you! I actually had a ton of those flavors you add to water that I bought to work when I wanted to stop, I'll go back to using those. And I just did like 10 minutes of Journaling snd decided: I'm not going to commit to QUIT drinking it all together. That seems to much of a commitment right now, what I'll do is not drink soda at work. I don't drink much soda outside of work, maybe one or two times a week. I don't want to completely limit myself because I do freaking love my Diet Pepsi.

I know myself well enough to know I'll have a diet pepsi at some point at a resturant, and be like "ahh well this goal is now forever ruined and I'll just go back to drinking soda."

Little steps.

Also thanks, I did succeed for a few weeks and that definitely gives me a better mindset to try again. Rather than thinking "oh I already failed once, I'll probably fail again," it's "oh! I already succeeded once and can do this again!" I appreciate you pointing that out and helping me change my mindset


Charming_Love2522 t1_ircsvt7 wrote

You just motivated me to make a small change: quit drinking soda.

I work at a gas station and we get free soda all day long if we like. I typically have a cup or two everyday I work.

I quit it for a bit(3-4 weeks), then craved it when someone brought in pizza and now I'm back to drinking it every damn day. It's unhealthy AF.

I'm not going to go on a whole weight loss journey just yet, but I can start with cutting out soda.