
CheddarNinja t1_ixo6uvl wrote

So, I think what I'm hearing is that you realize after this that your mom is right and you need some help. And, I'm also going to hazard a guess that your mom isn't broken, but in despair on what to do. It is an awful feeling to know how deeply our kids can suffer, and know there is so very little we can truly do.

My advice? Calmly go to her and hug her. And don't let go. Let her know this was a wake up call and that you are taking it seriously and WANT her help, and the help of a doctor. Show her the maturity I feel like is fighting a battle with the kid in you right now. It is a hard step, and imperfect and messy, but it is a whole shit ton better than feeling awful all the time. Trust me.

And FFS, FOLLOW THROUGH. Please. And not just for your mom. Maybe today and tomorrow it'll be for your mom, but you'll be ready to do it for yourself someday. Whenever you are ready.

And, give the dogs extra love. Because, dogs. They have magical healing powers.