
CheeeeeeseGromit t1_j7zty3a wrote

I also have to go to DC a few days a week for my job, but only into northern DC, not all the way into downtown. For my case, commuting is quite easy; I just take US 29 all the way down to 16th St NW.

If you have to go all the way into downtown, you could consider the option of driving to Glenmont Metro Station (Red Line) or Greenbelt Station (Green/Yellow Line) and taking the Metro the rest of the way in, depending on how much you hate driving in rush hour, and where your work is located.


CheeeeeeseGromit t1_iz4qy1x wrote

My complex does not pay for any of my utilities, so my total bill can be anywhere from $90 to $170 per month. I've found it to be the highest in the peak of summer, when my AC has a real hard time keeping my top floor apartment cool, even when I set it at 78° or 79° or even 80°.

(I forgot to mention that I am in a one bedroom apartment.)