
ChefBoyAreWeFucked t1_j17czlm wrote

Reply to comment by waffles2go2 in Dunce by CloroxWipes1

>Electrician is not an "Electrical Engineer"

He should have left out the word "another", but if you had read and understood his comment, you'd know that was his entire point.

Electrical Engineers generally don't touch anything higher than 12V, and shouldn't be touching the wiring in their houses other than to plug things in.


ChefBoyAreWeFucked t1_iyc3ljh wrote

I mean, you are gatekeeping, but in the "What's this kindergartner doing here without crayons" sense. I agree with your gatekeeping. It's sensible gatekeeping. This guy somehow thinks our local basketball team are druids from the Scottish Highlands.
