
Chemical_Principle91 t1_ivb7l2i wrote

Well I’m not much of a collector but I got a decent discount on the disk version through someone for the ps5 ($775 vs $640) so I got the disk version mainly because of some of my favourite games are cross platform which also happen to be compatible with the ps5 and I simply don’t wanna pay again for those games even if there dirt cheap now. That’s the only reason if I didn’t get the discount I would stick with digital and soend the extra on a drive because now even with a cad it’s essentially a key to download the game there’s no real benefit like it was with the ps3 or before


Chemical_Principle91 t1_iuisvx1 wrote

If you want to play a lot of games then the game pass on the Xbox is probably the best I’ve seen but if you are planning on playing something that has better exclusives then go with the ps4 also if your budget is in the 500 or less range pick up a ps4 pro for 4K graphics. Yeah it’s entry level 4k but it makes the experience much better Xbox also has a 4K gaming console I just forgot the name


Chemical_Principle91 t1_iuir289 wrote

The ps5 will give you some better story based exclusives. As far as the variety of games it goes to the Xbox since you’re picking up again from the ps2 both controllers will be odd at first but you’ll get used to whichever console to get. Ps5 will in a few years have the same amount of games that Xbox has to offer do to them also now adding in the feature to stream old games. But both are just as good imo and it’s up to you. If you wanna enjoy the quality of the graphics for now I would say ps5 because the exclusives make better use of the new gen system